
The Colorado Council for Learning Disabilities (CCLD) is the local affiliate for the Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD). CCLD promotes the goals of the Council for Learning Disabilities in its efforts to build a better future for students with learning disabilities and other struggling learners.

What does CCLD do in Colorado?

CCLD plays an important part in the support, design, and development of several state-wide professional-development opportunities. Members can access current research and evidenced-based instructional practices through CLD journals, access scholarship funds, and be recognized for outstanding contributions to the field of learning disabilities through the state and national awards program.

  • Math on the “Planes”® provides ongoing professional development for district and building level intervention teams. The Colorado Academic Standards and current research on student thinking/problem solving is the foundation for offerings about assessment and evidenced-based instructional strategies for struggling mathematics learners. Members receive discounted registration.
  • Courage to Risk focuses on how special and general education teachers can provide opportunities for success for students with disabilities.
  • Tuition Scholarships: CCLD awards $1500.00 scholarships to teacher candidates.
  • Professional Development Scholarships: A stipend of up to $200.00 is available for members to attend a variety of other professional development opportunities throughout the state.
  • Award Recognition: CCLD members are eligible for state and national awards.
  • Networking Opportunities: CCLD members receive peer support and have an opportunity to communicate with professionals throughout the country at regional and national conferences.
  • Reduced Registration Fees: CCLD members receive discounts to local and national conferences.
  • Publications: CCLD publishes a newsletter three times a year with current information about special education issues and activities in Colorado and the nation. CLD journals include Learning Disability Quarterly, Intervention in School and Clinic, and LD Forum.
  • Web site: CCLD members can access resources and be linked to what is happening in Colorado and nationally.
  • Research Grants: CCLD funds classroom research on evidenced-based instructional practices that close the achievement gap for students with learning disabilities and other learners who struggle academically.